Our flock competition, due to be held during the autumn of 2021, may still be subject to the vagaries of the Covid situation. Held every four years, it is an opportunity for everyone to participate, no matter how many sheep you have or where you’re located on the British mainland. The entry form can be found on the Flock Competition page here
AGM 2020 - Saturday 12th December via Zoom. Sadly, our AGM for 2020 will not be our usual get together due to the current restrictions and it has now been rescheduled as a Zoom meeting for Saturday 12th December 2020 at 7.00pm. We welcome you all, as the more who attend, the wider the representation of views and suggestions to take the Society forward.
Could members wishing to attend on zoom please contact Steph ([email protected]) so that she can send out the relevant information and password beforehand. This is also the time when nominations for council are considered. The position of Vice Chair is currently vacant and we’re actively seeking new members to join the Council. Meetings are held approximately four times per year and at the moment are being conducted online. The 2020 Flock Registrations are now due and forms can be found here Please note that late registrations will incur a surcharge of 50% on returns received after the deadline of 31st December 2020. i.e. Male registrations £22.50 each and females £6 each. Registrations received after the 31st January 2021 will not be included in the flock book and will still incur the surcharge. We are delighted to announce that Derek Knowles has been elected as Chairman of the Clun Forest Sheep Breeders Society Ltd. We wish him a very warm welcome.
November 2024
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