For non-monitored flocks wishing to export sheep/goats to Northern Ireland only, a new temporary Scrapie Qualifying status has been created.
This is a new temporary status within the Great Britain Scrapie Monitored Scheme (SMS). Animals from flocks with Scrapie Qualifying status are not Scrapie Monitored as defined in the Scrapie Monitoring Scheme rules, but they are eligible for export to Northern Ireland under a limited derogation within the relevant EU Regulations. Important to Note: To obtain Scrapie Qualifying status, flock owners/keepers must apply to join the SMS on or before 31 December 2021 and undertake to comply with SMS rules for the next three years after which they will progress to SMS (Controlled Risk) status. You can download the Scrapie Qualifying Notes for further details about Qualifying status Additional details on the process for moving breeding sheep and goats from GB to NI are available from APHA and DAERA For more details and links to all of the relevant documents, go to: Scrapie monitoring for export | SRUC In addition, Guidance notes and veterinary support certificate guidance notes have been updated, to include the complementary scrapie qualifying status attestation made available for use at:Domestic ovine and caprine animals intended for breeding or production to the European Union: certificate 8220 - GOV.UK (
The CFS Marketplace has been updated with Ewe and Ram Lambs for sale - see here
All the forms for the upcoming AGM have been emailed/posted to members but they can also be downloaded on the AGM Page here
November 2024
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