The registration forms have been sent to all members but can also be downloaded on the website here. They should be returned by 31st December otherwise 1.5 x fees will be occurred.
Thank you to everyone that attended the 2022 AGM, Dinner and Trophy Presentation at Cadmore Lakeside Hotel. We hope you all had an enjoyable evening.
The AGM is where we are able to celebrate the achievement of our members this year and congratulations go to all the trophy winners. These were presented on the evening; Exhibitor of the Year - Lt. Col Palmer Trophy - A Pennell Ram of the Year - Gerald Vaughan Cup - A Pennell Female of the Year - The Laidlaw Prize - A Pennell Exhibitor with the most points from A.O.B. sections - Court-Llacca Perpetual Cup - C & C Burroughs Trophies were also presented from the society Annual Show & Sale; Champion Ram at Society Sale - R J Price Salver - I T Davies Reserve Champion Ram at Society Sale - Pen-y-wern - R Price R Price was also awarded the A E Williams Cup for Highest price 3 ram average and the Bert Davies Cup for Best Shearling Ram IT Davies was also awarded the Sunderland Cup for best aged ram and the I T Davies cup for best ram lamb Best Single Female at Society Sale - W H Bason Cup - D Knowles Best pen of 5 shearlings - Chas Edwards Cup - W Gough and A Watkins Best Pen of 5 2 shear ewes - Milner Morgan Cup - G R Roberts Highest price pen of 5 ewes any age - J T Luntley Cup - G R Roberts RWAS Best Novice Exhibit - W P Williams Cup - G Williams Society Sale Best Novice Exhibit - J G William Cup - G Williams Thankyou to Ceilia Price for making the trophy presentation |
November 2024
Latest News!Where will this fabulous breed take us next! Categories |